April just might be the coolest gal on Earth! Not only has she been drawing her whole life, she is also obsessed with global politics and current world affairs. She believes that the public's participation in decentralized digital currencies can free humanity from the chains of central banking and intrusive, stone age government regulations.
She knew since a very young age that she wanted to be an artist. Upon graduating high school, she immediately was accepted into the American Academy of Arts in Chicago, Illinois. After her second year at the college, she transferred to The Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California where she received her degree in traditional illustration.
April has contributed to graphic designs all over the web. She has helped multiple companies, organizations, and web groups design and print T-shirts and apparel and even designs for bullion coins. She currently enjoys displaying her paintings and illustrations on various virtual galleries, and has been shipping her work all over the globe.
As the internet continues to evolve, solutions to current planetary problems are on the rise. P2P transactions put the purchasing power back into the hands of the people instead of private banks and corporations. As the world begins to adopt the usage of digital currency, April is elated to be able to provide her work to a global audience, while aiding the forefront of economic freedom.